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Programme info

25.06 – 08.07.2023 | Germany


26.06.2023 – Company visits

8:00 – Meet the group in the Hotel lobby

8:30 – Tour bus leaves hotel to ARENA2036

9-15:30 – two company visits

ARENA2036 – Active Research Environment for the Next generation of Automobiles, a research campus for the mobility and production of the future

Presenter: Johannes Diemer, David Reichert

More info: https://campus.managerprogramm.de/en/node/5395 

Robert Bosch GmbH @ARENA2036 – Leading specialist in drive and control technology

Presenter: Dr. Daniel Ewert (Robert Bosch GmbH)

More info: https://campus.managerprogramm.de/en/node/5701

ARENA2036 e.V.
Pfaffenwaldring 19
70569 Stuttgart


9:00-09:15 – Ankunft / Kaffee / Gepäck verstauen (Ansprechpartner: Johannes Diemer / David Reichert)

9:15-10:15 – Welcome by DIBeratung & Welcome by ARENA2036 – Aushändigung der Namensschilder

10:15-10:45 – ARENA2036 – a Research Campus (David Reichert) 

10:45-11:00 – Pause / Kaffee

11:00-12:00 – ARENA2036 Shopfloor Tour: Bosch – NAiSE – SPIE – Balluff

12:00-13:00 – Lunch

13:00-14:00 – Industry 4.0 and related activities (Johannes Diemer) 

14:00-15:00 – Questions & Discussion

15:27 –  S-Bahn to main station (10 min. by foot, leaves every 10 min.) 

Latest train should be 15:57 pm

Direction from ARENA to main station

16:51 – Train from Stuttgart to Hamburg

Stuttgart Hbf -> Hamburg 16:51 pm – plattform/Gleis 10 with ICE 594
(24 seats, Wagon. 6, seat numbers: 65-66, 111-116, 121-128, 131-138, 143-144)

Train ticket for download

27.06.2023 – Company visit – Introduction

10:00 – Meet your main tutor in the Hotel lobby and travel together to AOK Versicherungen

11-13:00AOK Versicherungen – Importance of insurance companies in the management of a company in Germany, Service 4.0, Industry 4.0

Presenter: Mr. Gregor Kloeters, Mr. Hüllmann

More info: https://campus.managerprogramm.de/en/node/5392

-Direction to AOK:

AOK Versicherungen
Pappelallee 22-26
22089 Hamburg

-Direction to training location

14-15:00 – Lunch on the Campus

15-18:00 – Welcome to Hamburg & Peer Counseling Session with Christina Schneider-Siemon

More info: https://campus.managerprogramm.de/en/node/5686 

– Directions to training location

NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management gGmbH
Kasernenstr. 12
TUHH Campus | Gebäude F
D-21073 Hamburg

– Directions to hotel

28.06.2023 – Training HR Management

08:00 – Meet your main tutor in the Hotel lobby and travel together to TUHH (Training location)


Trainer: Dr. Kay Flothow

More info: https://campus.managerprogramm.de/en/node/5398

– Directions to training location

NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management gGmbH
Kasernenstr. 12
TUHH Campus | Gebäude F
D-21073 Hamburg

13-14:00 – Lunch on the Campus

29.06.2023 – Mid-Term Reflection – Company visit

9-12:00 – Mid-Term Reflection with Christina Schneider-Siemon / Sören Faika

More info: https://campus.managerprogramm.de/en/node/5687

– Directions to training location 

13-14:00 – Lunch on the Campus

15:30-16:30 – Clayston – Contract negotiations and preparations with German business partners

Presenter: Afshin Ghassemi

More info: https://campus.managerprogramm.de/en/node/5394

– Directions to Clayston 

Clayston Lawyers
Lehmweg 17
20251 Hamburg

– Directions to Hotel

30.06.2023 – Training Marketing and Logistics


Trainer: Klaus-Peter Wagenführ

More info: https://campus.managerprogramm.de/en/node/5399

– Directions to training location

NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management gGmbH
Kasernenstr. 12
TUHH Campus | Gebäude F
D-21073 Hamburg

13-14:00 – Lunch on the Campus

03.07.2023 – Company visit

09:00 – Meet your tutor in the Hotel lobby and get your lunchbox

09:15 – Departure from hotel with tour bus

11-15:00 – Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA Sustainability – Mastering challenges in international projects, e.g. with regard to workflows and quality management and Industry 4.0

Presenter: Mr. Heiko Schaffrath

More info: https://campus.managerprogramm.de/en/node/5402 

Departure from hotel with tour bus at 9:15. (travel time approx. 1 hour)

Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA
Moislinger Allee 53-55
23542 Lübeck

Departure from Dräger with tour bus at 15:00. (travel time approx. 1 hour)

04.07.2023 – Company visits

07:40 Meet your tutor in the hotel lobby and get your lunchbox

07:55 Walk together to the main station


MAKE WORK FLOW GmbH – Digital documentation of work processes for more efficient work and improved customer service

Presenter: Markus Bosse

More info: https://campus.managerprogramm.de/en/node/5425

Directions to Make Work Flow

Offakamp 9a
22529 Hamburg


Bridge & Tunnel GmbH – Sustainability and circular economy

Presenter: Constanze Klotz

More info: https://campus.managerprogramm.de/en/node/5752

Directions to Bridge & Tunnel

Bridge & Tunnel
Am Veringhof
13 2/OG Kanalgebäude
21107 Hamburg

Directions to Hotel

05.07.2023 – Training Leadership


Trainer: Julia Moritz

More info: https://campus.managerprogramm.de/en/node/5595

– Directions to training location

NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management gGmbH
Kasernenstr. 12
TUHH Campus | Gebäude F
D-21073 Hamburg

13-14:00 – Lunch on the Campus

06.07.2023 – Company visits

08:40 – Meet yout tutor in the lobby and walk together to the main station

10-12:30 – OLYMPUS SURGICAL TECHNOLOGIES EUROPEGlobal business processes to ensure quality requirements for medical products

Presenter: Verena Hahn, Nanxi Kong, Senior Development Engineer (Industrie 4.0)
Tour guides: Wenke Sandkuehler, Kevin Schulz

-> coats can be left at the reception
-> comfortable shoes are recommended

More info: https://campus.managerprogramm.de/en/node/5597 

Directions to Olympus (together with your group)

Olympus Winter & Ibe GmbH
Kuehnstraße 61 • 22045 Hamburg

15:30-17:30 – DIBeratung GmbH – Importance of a business plan for reducing entrepreneurial risk

Presenter: Sören Faika

More info: https://campus.managerprogramm.de/en/node/5706

Directions to training location

NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management gGmbH
Kasernenstr. 12
TUHH Campus | Gebäude F
21073 Hamburg

14-15:00 – Lunch on the Campus

07.07.2023 – Reflection – Closing event

9-12:00 – Shared reflection of the M4 so far with Christina Schneider-Siemon / Sören Faika

More info: https://campus.managerprogramm.de/en/node/5712

– Directions to training location 

NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management gGmbH
Kasernenstr. 12
TUHH Campus | Gebäude F
D-21073 Hamburg

13-16:00 – DIBeratung GmbH – Completion of the presence phase. Summary, agreement on objectives, presentation of results, satisfaction survey.

17:00 – Closing dinner

– Directions to restaurant 

Restaurant Schifferbörse GmbH
Kirchenallee 46
20099 Hamburg

12-13:00 – Lunch on the Campus

Contact persons at DIBeratung

زورن فایکا

Sören Faika – Main Tutor / Phone No.: 0049 176-61058884

Christina Schneider-Siemon

Christina Schneider-Siemon –Main Tutor / Phone No.: 0049 160-90388808

Narges Naderloo

Narges Naderloo – Tutor / Phone No.: 0049 159-01244983

MP Campus

Working with the communication platform MP Campus is necessary during all stages of the manager training program, even during your stay in Germany. You are required to use the platform to enter information about your B2B contacts, accomplish tasks and submit evaluations after each event. Besides handouts, videos and more will be uploaded here.

Please note: The fulfillment of these tasks is an important condition for obtaining the certificate at the end of the program.



My Profile
Make sure you completed your profile with your full name, photo and your company’s name.

My B2B Contacts
It is important that you enter all the information about your B2B contacts (company, address, contact person,…) on MP Campus. The entries at this point serve as proof to GIZ and are essential.

My tasks
Tasks that have to be accomplished on MP Campus during your stay in Germany include self-checks, preparations for company visits and filling in evaluation forms after all the events you participated.

MP Campus Manual
A detailed manual of the MP Campus can be downloaded [here].


During your stay you will be provided with half board. There will be a breakfast buffet in your hotel every morning. During the day we will either visit a restaurant together for lunch or book a catering service.

If we eat together, the Training Centre pays the costs. The budget is limited, there will be a choice of different main courses and drinks in restaurants. Usually 1 main course and 1 non-alcoholic drink can be covered by us. Anything ordered over and above this must be paid for by the participants themselves. Your tutors will inform you before each restaurant visit.

If you have an individual B2B appointment and are self-catering, we have a budget of 20€ per day per participant which we can pay you.


26.06.2023 – Company visits

8:00 – Meet the group in the Hotel lobby

8:30 – Tour bus leaves hotel to ARENA2036

9-15:30 – two company visits

ARENA2036 – Active Research Environment for the Next generation of Automobiles, a research campus for the mobility and production of the future

Presenter: Johannes Diemer, David Reichert

More info: https://campus.managerprogramm.de/en/node/5395 

Robert Bosch GmbH @ARENA2036 – Leading specialist in drive and control technology

Presenter: Dr. Daniel Ewert (Robert Bosch GmbH)

More info: https://campus.managerprogramm.de/en/node/5701

ARENA2036 e.V.
Pfaffenwaldring 19
70569 Stuttgart


9:00-09:15 – Ankunft / Kaffee / Gepäck verstauen (Ansprechpartner: Johannes Diemer / David Reichert)

9:15-10:15 – Welcome by DIBeratung & Welcome by ARENA2036 – Aushändigung der Namensschilder

10:15-10:45 – ARENA2036 – a Research Campus (David Reichert) 

10:45-11:00 – Pause / Kaffee

11:00-12:00 – ARENA2036 Shopfloor Tour: Bosch – NAiSE – SPIE – Balluff

12:00-13:00 – Lunch

13:00-14:00 – Industry 4.0 and related activities (Johannes Diemer) 

14:00-15:00 – Questions & Discussion

15:27 –  S-Bahn to main station (10 min. by foot, leaves every 10 min.) 

Latest train should be 15:57 pm

Direction from ARENA to main station

16:51 – Train from Stuttgart to Hamburg

Stuttgart Hbf -> Hamburg 16:51 pm – plattform/Gleis 10 with ICE 594
(24 seats, Wagon. 6, seat numbers: 65-66, 111-116, 121-128, 131-138, 143-144)

Train ticket for download

27.06.2023 – Company visit – Introduction

10:00 – Meet your main tutor in the Hotel lobby and travel together to AOK Versicherungen

11-13:00AOK Versicherungen – Importance of insurance companies in the management of a company in Germany, Service 4.0, Industry 4.0

Presenter: Mr. Gregor Kloeters, Mr. Hüllmann

More info: https://campus.managerprogramm.de/en/node/5392

-Direction to AOK:

AOK Versicherungen
Pappelallee 22-26
22089 Hamburg

-Direction to training location

14-15:00 – Lunch on the Campus

15-18:00 – Welcome to Hamburg & Peer Counseling Session with Christina Schneider-Siemon

More info: https://campus.managerprogramm.de/en/node/5686 

– Directions to training location

NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management gGmbH
Kasernenstr. 12
TUHH Campus | Gebäude F
D-21073 Hamburg

– Directions to hotel

28.06.2023 – Training HR Management

08:00 – Meet your main tutor in the Hotel lobby and travel together to TUHH (Training location)


Trainer: Dr. Kay Flothow

More info: https://campus.managerprogramm.de/en/node/5398

– Directions to training location

NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management gGmbH
Kasernenstr. 12
TUHH Campus | Gebäude F
D-21073 Hamburg

13-14:00 – Lunch on the Campus

29.06.2023 – Mid-Term Reflection – Company visit

9-12:00 – Mid-Term Reflection with Christina Schneider-Siemon / Sören Faika

More info: https://campus.managerprogramm.de/en/node/5687

– Directions to training location 

13-14:00 – Lunch on the Campus

15:30-16:30 – Clayston – Contract negotiations and preparations with German business partners

Presenter: Afshin Ghassemi

More info: https://campus.managerprogramm.de/en/node/5394

– Directions to Clayston 

Clayston Lawyers
Lehmweg 17
20251 Hamburg

– Directions to Hotel

30.06.2023 – Training Marketing and Logistics


Trainer: Klaus-Peter Wagenführ

More info: https://campus.managerprogramm.de/en/node/5399

– Directions to training location

NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management gGmbH
Kasernenstr. 12
TUHH Campus | Gebäude F
D-21073 Hamburg

13-14:00 – Lunch on the Campus

03.07.2023 – Company visit

09:00 – Meet your tutor in the Hotel lobby and get your lunchbox

09:15 – Departure from hotel with tour bus

11-15:00 – Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA Sustainability – Mastering challenges in international projects, e.g. with regard to workflows and quality management and Industry 4.0

Presenter: Mr. Heiko Schaffrath

More info: https://campus.managerprogramm.de/en/node/5402 

Departure from hotel with tour bus at 9:15. (travel time approx. 1 hour)

Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA
Moislinger Allee 53-55
23542 Lübeck

Departure from Dräger with tour bus at 15:15. (travel time approx. 1 hour)

04.07.2023 – Company visits

07:40 Meet your tutor in the hotel lobby and get your lunchbox

07:55 Walk together to the main station


MAKE WORK FLOW GmbH – Digital documentation of work processes for more efficient work and improved customer service

Presenter: Markus Bosse

More info: https://campus.managerprogramm.de/en/node/5425

Directions to Make Work Flow

Offakamp 9a
22529 Hamburg


Bridge & Tunnel GmbH – Sustainability and circular economy

Presenter: Constanze Klotz

More info: https://campus.managerprogramm.de/en/node/5752

Directions to Bridge & Tunnel

Bridge & Tunnel
Am Veringhof
13 2/OG Kanalgebäude
21107 Hamburg

Directions to Hotel

05.07.2023 – Training Leadership


Trainer: Julia Moritz

More info: https://campus.managerprogramm.de/en/node/5595

– Directions to training location

NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management gGmbH
Kasernenstr. 12
TUHH Campus | Gebäude F
D-21073 Hamburg

13-14:00 – Lunch on the Campus

06.07.2023 – Company visits

08:40 – Meet your tutor in the lobby and walk together to the main station

10-12:30 – OLYMPUS SURGICAL TECHNOLOGIES EUROPEGlobal business processes to ensure quality requirements for medical products

Presenter: Verena Hahn, Nanxi Kong, Senior Development Engineer (Industrie 4.0)

More info: https://campus.managerprogramm.de/en/node/5597 

Directions to Olympus (together with your group)

Olympus Winter & Ibe GmbH
Kuehnstraße 61 • 22045 Hamburg

15:30-17:30 – DIBeratung GmbH – Importance of a business plan for reducing entrepreneurial risk

Presenter: Sören Faika

More info: https://campus.managerprogramm.de/en/node/5706

Directions to training location

NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management gGmbH
Kasernenstr. 12
TUHH Campus | Gebäude F
21073 Hamburg

14-15:00 – Lunch on the Campus

07.07.2023 – Reflection – Closing event

9-12:00 – Shared reflection of the M4 so far with Christina Schneider-Siemon / Sören Faika

More info: https://campus.managerprogramm.de/en/node/5712

– Directions to training location 

NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management gGmbH
Kasernenstr. 12
TUHH Campus | Gebäude F
D-21073 Hamburg

13-16:00 – DIBeratung GmbH – Completion of the presence phase. Summary, agreement on objectives, presentation of results, satisfaction survey.

17:00 – Closing dinner

– Directions to restaurant 

Restaurant Schifferbörse GmbH
Kirchenallee 46
20099 Hamburg

12-13:00 – Lunch on the Campus

MP Campus

Working with the communication platform MP Campus is necessary during all stages of the manager training program, even during your stay in Germany. You are required to use the platform to enter information about your B2B contacts, accomplish tasks and submit evaluations after each event. Besides handouts, videos and more will be uploaded here.

Please note: The fulfillment of these tasks is an important condition for obtaining the certificate at the end of the program.



My Profile
Make sure you completed your profile with your full name, photo and your company’s name.

My B2B Contacts
It is important that you enter all the information about your B2B contacts (company, address, contact person,…) on MP Campus. The entries at this point serve as proof to GIZ and are essential.

My tasks
Tasks that have to be accomplished on MP Campus during your stay in Germany include self-checks, preparations for company visits and filling in evaluation forms after all the events you participated.

MP Campus Manual
A detailed manual of the MP Campus can be downloaded [here].


During your stay, you will be provided with half board worth 20 € per day. There will be a breakfast buffet for 7,45 € every morning in your hotel. Besides we will either visit a restaurant together for lunch or book a catering service.

Our experience has shown that it is best if everyone pays for themselves first and receive the full amount at the end of the stay.

Contact persons at DIBeratung

زورن فایکا

Sören Faika – Tutor / Phone No.: 0049 176-61058884

Christina Schneider-Siemon –

Christina Schneider-Siemon – Tutor / Phone No.: 0049 160-90388808

Narges Naderloo

Narges Naderloo – Tutor / Phone No.: 0049 159-01244983

Training center

Your training center is a cooperation of two internationally operating companies with complementary expertise- Clayston and DIBeratung. We are very happy to welcome you to Hamburg.



At DIBeratung, we believe that exchange, trusting relationships and knowledge about oneself and one’s counterpart make the world a more peaceful and better place. That is why we have been bringing people and companies from Germany and Asia together for 15 years with evidence-based training, reliable services and independent consulting. With our twelve-person international team, we are highly specialized as we deal exclusively with relations between Germany and countries in Asia. In addition, we have a resilient network of partners and confidants both in Germany and in several Asian countries. In the field of training, we offer seminars, lectures and trainings about Germany as well as German language courses. Our services also include support for company start-ups in Germany and travel organization. With our expertise we advise on private, business as well as public projects between Asia and Germany.



is a worldwide union of lawyers, law firms, and tax and finance consultants. You can find us all over the planet in the major finance, trade and political centers. We speak 12 languages but primarily yours. We know the law of 24 countries and advise clients in all legal matters whether of business or personal life. Our competencies include Commercial Law, Corporate Law / M&A, Real Estate Law, International Economic Law, Tax Law, Compliance, Industrial Property Protection and many more. We are experts when it comes to legal questions. Our team mirrors the diversity of our global network of law firms, from Hamburg to Sao Paulo, Beijing and Dubai.